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 Damn This Abyss... [Kurayami to Mori]

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Special Jounin
Special Jounin

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Ryo : 4865

Damn This Abyss... [Kurayami to Mori] Empty
PostSubject: Damn This Abyss... [Kurayami to Mori]   Damn This Abyss... [Kurayami to Mori] EmptyTue Dec 22, 2015 12:49 am

Okami groaned as he strode from the place he thought he would find family. Instead, he had found hostility and hatred around every corner. The only thing that had brightened his stay was his Sharingan and the Kuraikage's politeness, and even that had run short. He would have few good memories of this place. His ribs hurt like hell, and he was recovering from tears in internal organs, thanks to being assaulted over a misunderstanding. The only thing he could hope for was that Temaki wouldn't be upset with him. He adored the Harukage for giving him a safe home, and it would break his heart if she was pissed at him too for something like hunting down a Missing-nin from their own village and getting into a fight with a Kurayami shinobi.
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Damn This Abyss... [Kurayami to Mori]
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